Dr. Hasina Parvin
MBBS, (BMCH) CCD (BIRDEM) , DMUD (Shristy Institute for Health Sciences and Technology Ltd.) , PGT (Radiology and Imaging)

Dr. Kazi Abu Noman
Associate Professor
MBBS, MRCP (Part-2 UK) MPH(USA), DCCH (c/c- UK) MRMS (EDEN), D. Card (Nicvd)

Dr. Md. Ashfaqur Rahman
Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgeon
MBBS (BMCH) D-Ortho (DMCH), MPH (Epidemiology) PGT Vascular Surgery (BSMMU) AO Trauma Basic

Dr. Md. H. S. Awal Abedin
MSC (Rehab Science), MPH (Dhaka) , SAARC Scholarship (CRPDU), BPT (DU)

Dr. MD. Kutub Uddin Billah (Rana)
Surgery Specialist & Consultant Surgeon
MBBS, BCS(Health), FCPS(Surgery) , MCPS(Surgery), MPH - Member - SOSB & SELSB

Dr. Md. Murad Hossain
BPT (DU) Faculty Of Medicine, Post Graduate Diploma (PGD) in Exrcise Physiology, MPH (SUB)

Dr. S.K. Majumder (Sujan)
Laparoscopic Surgeon
MBBS, BCS (Health), FCPS (Surgery) MRCS (London), FIAGS (Delhi)

Dr. Sirajum Munir
Oral & Dental Surgeon
B.D.S (DU), PGT ( Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics), PGT ( Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery)

Dr.Hasan Khalid Munir
Assistant Professor
MBBS (DU), D-Ortho (DU) AO(Trauma) AO Spine Basic& Advanced , ISIC, New Delhi (India)