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Dr. Sirajum Munir
Oral & Dental Surgeon
B.D.S (DU), PGT ( Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics), PGT ( Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery)

Dr. Md. H. S. Awal Abedin
MSC (Rehab Science), MPH (Dhaka) , SAARC Scholarship (CRPDU), BPT (DU)

Dr. Hasina Parvin
MBBS, (BMCH) CCD (BIRDEM) , DMUD (Shristy Institute for Health Sciences and Technology Ltd.) , PGT (Radiology and Imaging)

Dr. S.K. Majumder (Sujan)
Laparoscopic Surgeon
MBBS, BCS (Health), FCPS (Surgery) MRCS (London), FIAGS (Delhi)

Dr. MD. Kutub Uddin Billah (Rana)
Surgery Specialist & Consultant Surgeon
MBBS, BCS(Health), FCPS(Surgery) , MCPS(Surgery), MPH - Member - SOSB & SELSB

Dr. Md. Murad Hossain
BPT (DU) Faculty Of Medicine, Post Graduate Diploma (PGD) in Exrcise Physiology, MPH (SUB)

Dr. Kazi Abu Noman
Associate Professor
MBBS, MRCP (Part-2 UK) MPH(USA), DCCH (c/c- UK) MRMS (EDEN), D. Card (Nicvd)

Dr. Md. Ashfaqur Rahman
Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgeon
MBBS (BMCH) D-Ortho (DMCH), MPH (Epidemiology) PGT Vascular Surgery (BSMMU) AO Trauma Basic

Dr.Hasan Khalid Munir
Assistant Professor
MBBS (DU), D-Ortho (DU) AO(Trauma) AO Spine Basic& Advanced , ISIC, New Delhi (India)